Science Semester Project: Written Activity

Name:_____________________ Number:_________

Creation of the Universe Match-Up

Directions: Match the Definitions at the bottom of the page to the correct vocabulary term given below. Each definition is used only once.

_______1. Big Bang Theory

_______2. Electromagnetic Radiation

_______3. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

_______4. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

_______5. Albert Einstein

_______6. George Lemaître

_______7. General Theory of Relativity

_______8. Edwin Hubble

_______9. Aristotle

_______10. Bumba Theory


A. Famous Greek philosopher who believed the universe had existed forever and that the reason for progress is that natural disasters keep setting civilization back.

B. The theory proposed by the Boshongo people of central Africa that before Bumba, the world was covered in water and darkness. Then Bumba, in pain from a stomach-ache, vomited up the Sun, getting rid of some of the water and leaving land behind. Then still in pain, Bumba threw up the moon, stars, planets, and all the rest of the universe.

C. Discovered that distant galaxies are strongly correlated in their redshifts.

D. Theory that stated space and time may not be absolute, no longer a fixed background of events, making them only dynamic quantities shaped by matter and energy in itself. This means that space and time are only defined within our universe, making it useless to talk of a time before the universe.

E. The theory that the universe originated sometime between 10-20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high temperature and density.

F. The thermal radiation assumed to be left over from the “Big Bang” of cosmology

G. A radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma waves, X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.

H. First proposed the Big Bang Theory in 1979.

I. German scientist that proposed the General Theory of Relativity in 1915

J. Discovered the CMB in 1964