A Doc Eat Doc World

Sabrina Smith
Mrs. Pearce/ Pre-AP English II
Research Paper
April 27, 2016
A Doc Eat Doc World

STEM subjects are no longer balanced. Girls are losing interest in being engineers and mathematicians, getting worse at science, yet flourishing in home economics. Recent studies into the gender gap have shown that many girls are buying into the gender role described in magazines in the ‘50s and ‘60s, when it was unheard of for a woman to hold any status of her own. Additionally, studies by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO) have found instances of gender inequality recorded as early as 1405. Though major strides have been made to reduce the severity of this issue, especially since 1990, this Millennium Development Goal -established in 2000- didn’t get solved in the time it was given. Not only is this alarming, but it occurs in the work world as well, where women have struggled for centuries to earn a place of dominance, especially in the medical field. Though women have oftentimes served as nurses and other caretakers, they didn’t take positions of higher esteem as often as men do. Many women have accepted this norm and adjusted their interests and plans in life to follow another field of study already dominated or more equally shared between the genders. However, most women don’t even know the benefits of being an anesthesiologist; they assume that the negatives outweigh the positives. This field may not be balanced gender-wise, but it’s time for women to…


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